Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beautiful Cactus Flower

We went to go pick peaches at someone's house a couple of months ago.  While we were there we saw the most incredible flower blooming on a cactus.  It was stunning.  I asked the lady about it and she said that the flowers on that cactus bloom only at night, and only for one night.  It just amazed me how beautiful they were.  She gave me a piece of the cactus that she had cut off and told me to stick the end of it in some dirt and water it occasionally and it would grow.  She told me she thought it would be about a year before we got a flower, but just a couple of weeks later this flower bloomed.  

It's hard to explain how big the flower is, but if I spread my hand open, it would be about that size.

The flower has so many beautiful parts to it.  I just loved it. It is hard to get a good picture at night, though.  I'd like to find out what kind of cactus it is.  I can't wait until we get another bloom!

1 comment:

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