Sunday, July 11, 2010


We decided to get some chickens so we could have some eggs. We bought some full-grown hens from a woman and they layed about an egg a day. We loved it! So we decided to hatch some eggs and raise some more chickens. A wonderful couple in our ward let us borrow their incubator and have some fertilized eggs. It was fun watching the whole process. Our children loved watching the eggs hatch and were fascinated with it all.

The incubator with eggs in the process and chicks that had just hatched.

One of the chicks just after it hatched.

The baby chicks just a couple of days after they hatched. Jim made a feeder and a box that was perfect for them!

Annale and one of the Rhode Island Reds

A friend of ours asked us if we would be interested in taking in two more chickens. We were very excited since we have so few after some dogs had killed some of our hens. One of our newest additions is a breed called a Silky. She is really sweet and soft. The kids love her!

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