Monday, November 17, 2008

Potty Training!!!

WARNING: For those of you who don't have kids, this may be an odd posting for you, but I have to write about the newest exciting thing in the Sanders home!

For the last little while Annlaee has been using the potty every now and then when she wanted to. Today, however, we made progress! Today she went both potty and poop in the toilet! yeah!!!! She knows when she needs to go and tells us. The only thing is she just wants to keep wearing diapers! Weird! I guess each child is different.

I have to say, though, that the big credit for Annalee's progress is Violatte. Violatte invites Annee to go to the potty when Violatte goes. They go together to the bathroom and each sit on their toilets. I love having a good example for Annalee. And Annee isn't even 2 yet! Yeah! I haven't been rushing her much, just really letting her take it at her own speed and following. We'll see what happens. I'd love it if she was potty trained before the baby came so I only have one baby in diapers at a time! That would be fabulous!

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