Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Tribute to Immgirants

I know that there is a lot of frustration and arguments about immigrants, and I have to say that I agree about illegal immigrants. However, at my job a few nights ago I met a man who had immigrated the legal way from Mexico, became a citizen a few years ago, and has been working since. As I talked to him and learned his story it really made an impression on me and I was so grateful for what I learned from him. He was so grateful for the job (in a mine) that he had. He was so excited to be buying Christmas gifts to take down to his nieces and nephews in Mexico. Oh, and the gifts he was buying were clothes and things most people would think boring. He explained that in Mexico a full-days work would only buy about 2 pounds of meat and he was so grateful for a job that payed so good he could buy some shirts for his nephew. I was very touched by his story and I wanted to write some things that I am grateful to our legal Hispanic immigrants for. (And, yes, I am making some generalizations. I know that not all immigrants are this way, but so many are and I want to say thank you to them for how they inspire me.)

Reasons I am Grateful for Legal Hispanic Immigrants
1. They do so many jobs that Americans would rather go on welfare than do (and they are grateful for the job)
2. They are grateful for the freedoms that America gives
3. They appreciate the financial blessings that America offers
4. They work hard and make sacrifices to support their families
5. They are very family oriented and are close to both their immediate and extended families
6. They are generally very positive and happy no matter how tough their situation is
7. They know what the American Dream really is and they know how to work to achieve it
8. They are determined and persistent
9. They know how to live meagerly and without so many fancy things

So many times, after meeting someone like the man I met at work I realize the need to step back and count my blessings. We really have a wonderful country that, despite it's problems, gives us so many blessings and opportunities. I am grateful for all that we have and no matter how bad my situation seems, I have to realize that I am really given so much. And to all those who have nothing but bad to say about this country, I challenge you to move to Mexico for a few years and when you come back, I sure hope you realize how blessed we are.

1 comment:

Ratliffs said...

What a great post!! I agree with you, they definitely appreciate America and all that it stands for WAY more than most Americans. Thanks for taking the time to write this!